Fun in the Outdoors!
Backpacking is a bit mission oriented at times, but in the eyes of Eyeguard Outdoors, the prevailing mission is always to have a good time. Learn the tools, techniques and gear that you will need to ensure you have an enjoyable excursion every time!
Finding You Way
Let your imagination guide your experience. Learn skills and techniques to help bring your dreams to reality. Your outlook on the outdoors will never be the same!
God's Country
Not much compares to lounging on a lake beach at ~9,000ft elevation. Come to understand the beauty in nature that pulls us back to these places year after year.
Natural Resources
Gain a perspective un-like any other. Experience first hand why our natural resources are so important to maintain for future generations.
The Trail Ahead
Embark on the start of your outdoor adventure. Enroll in a class today to begin learning why so many covet the natural beauty of our great public lands.
Example Curriculum
The curriculum block is dynamic. As you add curriculum to your course, you'll see it automatically populate here.
Follow the Signs
Learn overnight trekking skills from dead reckoning navigation techniques to reading a map and pre-plotting your course. Discover new skills to help ensure your safety when in the back country.
Featured Products
Discover all that Eyeguard Outdoors has to offer. Take an active part in promoting conservation while trying your hand at sustainable food procurement methods.